Comparing pressure data from two sensors

I have had two simple raspberry pi weather stations running for a while now.

Both have pressure, temperature and humidity sensors.

One I have in the carefully controlled environment of my study, the other is hanging out of the window.

The study one is known as pijessie as it started life as a Raspberry Pi running the Jessie version of Raspbian.

The outside station is known as kittycam as I intend at some point to attach a camera so I can watch our cat come and go.

For a while I have been noticing that the pressure values have been quite a way apart. The software I am includes a conversion to altitude and I find these numbers more natural for me to think about.

The altitude conversion assumes the pressure at sea level is 1023.25 hPa, which is the mean pressure at sea level.

When the pressure is higher than this the altitude comes out below sea level, when pressure is lower than this above sea level.

As always, Wikipedia has good information on this:

For a while I had been noticing the two sensors giving values differing by about 10 metres altitude.

I had put this down to the sensors not being calibrated accurately, but also noticed that kittycam was more prone to weird glitches.

Now the glitches I put down to the fact I have one process collecting data every minute and another process creating a display on my laptop so I can glance over and see what the weather is doing. The latter was just polling the sensor every 10 minutes.

The code does not do anything smart like get a lock and my guess was that the two processes were occasionally trampling on each other's feet.

Long story short, I decided to take a closer look.

In [34]:
# Tell matplotlib to plot in line
%matplotlib inline

import datetime

# import pandas
import pandas

# seaborn magically adds a layer of goodness on top of Matplotlib
# mostly this is just changing matplotlib defaults, but it does also
# provide some higher level plotting methods.
import seaborn

# Tell seaborn to set things up
In [35]:
# input files: the data from the two sensors
infiles = ["../files/kittycam_weather.csv", "../files/pijessie_weather.csv"]
In [36]:
# Read the data

data = []

for infile in infiles:
    data.append(pandas.read_csv(infile, index_col='date', parse_dates=['date']))
In [37]:
# take a look at what we got
temp pressure altitude sealevel_pressure humidity temp_dht
count 42768.000000 42768.000000 42768.000000 42768.000000 42764.000000 42764.000000
mean 28.114357 101385.375842 -5.068642 101387.094487 76.806599 27.730374
std 2.205370 430.276252 36.334073 409.738250 8.512122 2.068583
min 22.800000 56117.000000 -1314.018026 67136.000000 29.500000 22.299999
25% 26.500000 101141.750000 -26.939647 101142.000000 71.599998 26.200001
50% 27.700000 101411.000000 -7.157439 101412.000000 77.099998 27.400000
75% 29.900000 101648.000000 15.246750 101649.000000 83.500000 29.299999
max 43.200000 102242.000000 3397.334521 118353.000000 94.300003 47.099998
In [38]:
# plots are always good 

array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f1a6b1e4128>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f1a6a7e40f0>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f1a69ef79b0>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f1a6afef0f0>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f1a6ae8d7b8>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f1a6aeb2908>], dtype=object)

Now the two sets of data have different indices since the processes collecting the data are not in sync.

So we need to align the data and then fill in missing values

In [39]:
# align returns two new dataframes, now aligned
d1, d2 = data[0].align(data[1])
In [40]:
# have a look, note the count is just the valid data.
# Things have been aligned, but missing values are set ton NaN
temp pressure altitude sealevel_pressure humidity temp_dht
count 42768.000000 42768.000000 42768.000000 42768.000000 42764.000000 42764.000000
mean 28.114357 101385.375842 -5.068642 101387.094487 76.806599 27.730374
std 2.205370 430.276252 36.334073 409.738250 8.512122 2.068583
min 22.800000 56117.000000 -1314.018026 67136.000000 29.500000 22.299999
25% 26.500000 101141.750000 -26.939647 101142.000000 71.599998 26.200001
50% 27.700000 101411.000000 -7.157439 101412.000000 77.099998 27.400000
75% 29.900000 101648.000000 15.246750 101649.000000 83.500000 29.299999
max 43.200000 102242.000000 3397.334521 118353.000000 94.300003 47.099998
In [41]:
# Use interpolation to fill in the missing values
d1 = d1.interpolate(method='time')
d2 = d2.interpolate(method='time')
In [42]:
# Now plot
In [43]:
# For convenience, add a new series to d1 with the altitude data from d2
d1['altitude2'] = d2.altitude
In [44]:
# Now plot the two
d1[['altitude', 'altitude2']][10000:30000].clip(-60,60).plot()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1a6aa1fe48>
In [45]:
(d1.altitude - d1.altitude2)[10000:30000].clip(-20,15).plot()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f1a6a463630>

So we do have a difference around 5m. More interestingly, there seems to be some sort of daily pattern to the data.


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