Latest Weather

Simple quick update latest weather

  • switched to new sensor 8am BDA 2015-08-21 Old sensor was giving systematic bias and other weirdness.
In [145]:
# Tell matplotlib to plot in line
%matplotlib inline

import datetime

# import pandas
import pandas

# seaborn magically adds a layer of goodness on top of Matplotlib
# mostly this is just changing matplotlib defaults, but it does also
# provide some higher level plotting methods.
import seaborn

# Tell seaborn to set things up

def smooth(data, thresh=None):
    """ This smoothing function is meant to spot and eliminate bad readings.
    means = data.mean()

    if thresh is None:
        sds = data.std()
        sds = thresh
    delta = data - data.shift()
    good = delta[abs(delta) < sds]

    return delta.where(good, 0.0)
In [182]:
infile = "../files/kittycam_weather.csv"

!scp $infile
weather.csv                                   100% 5852KB   5.7MB/s   00:01    
In [147]:
!wc ../files/weather.csv
  564  1127 56016 ../files/weather.csv
In [148]:
""" assume it is csv and let pandas do magic

  index_col tells it to use the 'date' column in the data
  as the row index, plotting picks up on this and uses the
  date on the x-axis

  The *parse_dates* bit just tells it to try and figure out
  the date/time in the columne labeled 'date'.
data = pandas.read_csv(infile, index_col='date', parse_dates=['date'])
In [149]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f54f9f60>
In [150]:
# smooth the data to filter out bad temps and pressures
#data.altitude = (smooth(data.altitude, 5.0).cumsum() + data.altitude[0])
#data.temp = (smooth(data.temp, 5.0).cumsum() + data.temp[0])
#data.altitude = data.altitude.clip(-100, 100)
In [151]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f4aaa748>
In [152]:
temp pressure altitude sealevel_pressure humidity temp_dht
2015-10-04 14:59:04.029159 26.4 99788 128.924064 99791 82.500000 25.9
2015-10-04 15:00:04.671297 26.4 99808 127.069788 99808 82.500000 25.9
2015-10-04 15:01:05.262094 26.5 99791 129.429833 99788 82.500000 25.9
2015-10-04 15:02:05.904264 26.5 99766 129.935627 99767 82.599998 25.9
2015-10-04 15:03:06.546427 26.5 99758 130.525751 99773 82.400002 25.9
In [153]:
temp pressure altitude sealevel_pressure humidity temp_dht
count 60281.000000 60281.000000 60281.000000 60281.000000 60281.000000 60281.000000
mean 27.892394 101246.221778 6.548877 101247.144722 63.323885 27.275608
std 1.717909 315.289819 26.273290 315.299968 12.424934 1.718179
min 22.500000 99758.000000 -55.052172 99767.000000 28.700001 21.799999
25% 26.900000 101027.000000 -8.738071 101028.000000 58.099998 26.299999
50% 28.000000 101251.000000 6.079362 101252.000000 66.500000 27.500000
75% 29.000000 101430.000000 24.756020 101431.000000 71.599998 28.400000
max 31.400000 101985.000000 130.525751 101985.000000 88.500000 30.600000

Dew Point

The warmer air is, the more moisture it can hold. The dew point is the temperature at which air would be totally saturated if it had as much moisture as it currently does.

Given the temperature and humidity the dew point can be calculated, the actual formula is pretty complex.

It is explained in more detail here:

If you are interested in a simpler calculation that gives an approximation of dew point temperature if you know >the observed temperature and relative humidity, the following formula was proposed in a 2005 article by Mark G. >Lawrence in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society:

$$Td = T - ((100 - RH)/5.)$$
In [154]:
data['dewpoint'] = data.temp - ((100. - data.humidity)/5.)

Last 24 hours:

In [155]:
2015-10-04 12:04:12.700504
                            temp  pressure    altitude  sealevel_pressure  \
2015-10-04 15:03:06.546427  26.5     99758  130.525751              99773   

                             humidity  temp_dht  dewpoint  
2015-10-04 15:03:06.546427  82.400002      25.9     22.98  
In [156]:
# reading is once a minute, so take last 24 * 60 readings
def plotem(data, n=-60, start=None):
    if n < 0:
        start = n
        end = len(data)
        start = start or 0
        end = start + n
    data[['temp', 'altitude', 'humidity', 'dewpoint']][start:end].plot(subplots=True)

# last few hours
plotem(data, -24*60)

Last week

In [157]:
# reading is once a minute, so take last 7 * 24 * 60 readings
plotem(data, -7*24*60)
In [158]:
In [159]:
plotem(data, -5)

Look at all the data

In [160]:
temp pressure altitude sealevel_pressure humidity temp_dht dewpoint
count 60281.000000 60281.000000 60281.000000 60281.000000 60281.000000 60281.000000 60281.000000
mean 27.892394 101246.221778 6.548877 101247.144722 63.323885 27.275608 20.557171
std 1.717909 315.289819 26.273290 315.299968 12.424934 1.718179 3.586928
min 22.500000 99758.000000 -55.052172 99767.000000 28.700001 21.799999 8.660000
25% 26.900000 101027.000000 -8.738071 101028.000000 58.099998 26.299999 19.820000
50% 28.000000 101251.000000 6.079362 101252.000000 66.500000 27.500000 21.620000
75% 29.000000 101430.000000 24.756020 101431.000000 71.599998 28.400000 22.939999
max 31.400000 101985.000000 130.525751 101985.000000 88.500000 30.600000 26.020000

I currently have two temperature sensors:

  • DHT22 sensor which gives temperature and humidity.
  • BMP180 sensor which gives pressure and temperature.

The plot below shows the two temperature plots.

Both these sensors are currently in my study. For temperature and humidity I would like to have some readings from outside. If I can solder them to a phone jack then I can just run phone cable to where they need to be.

Below plots the current values from these sensors. This is handy for calibration.

In [161]:
data[['temp', 'temp_dht']].plot()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f42c5e80>
In [162]:
data[['temp', 'dewpoint', 'humidity']].plot()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f431d908>
In [163]:
data[['temp', 'dewpoint', 'humidity']].plot(subplots=True)
array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f06f432a9e8>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f06f4c719e8>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f06f3ea7f60>], dtype=object)
In [164]:
data[['temp', 'dewpoint']].plot()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f41a6630>
In [165]:
from numpy import fft
In [166]:
data['fft_altitude'] = fft.fft(data.altitude)
data['fft_alt_real'] = data.fft_altitude.real
data['fft_alt_imag'] = data.fft_altitude.imag
In [167]:
data['alt_power'] = ((data.fft_alt_real ** 2.0) + (data.fft_alt_imag ** 2.0)) ** 0.5
In [168]:
import numpy
N = len(data)
TWELVE = N//(12*59)

def hours(pos):
    return N/(pos*60.) 

eleven_elevator = N/(12*59.0)   # Scottish elevator
print(eleven_elevator, TWELVE)
data['pos'] = numpy.arange(N)
data[['fft_alt_imag', 'fft_alt_real', 'alt_power']][TWELVE//3:2*TWELVE].plot()
85.14265536723164 85
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f4034978>
In [169]:
data[TWELVE//3:2*TWELVE].plot(x='pos', y='alt_power')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f38c70b8>
In [170]:
data[TWELVE-4: TWELVE+10].plot(x='pos', y='alt_power')
print(TWELVE, eleven_elevator)
85 85.14265536723164
In [171]:
#FIXME - the data points are probably a fraction over a minute apart.
for x in range(TWELVE-5, TWELVE+5):
    print(x, "%6.4f" % hours(x))
80 12.5585
81 12.4035
82 12.2522
83 12.1046
84 11.9605
85 11.8198
86 11.6824
87 11.5481
88 11.4169
89 11.2886
In [172]:
temp pressure altitude sealevel_pressure humidity temp_dht dewpoint fft_altitude fft_alt_real fft_alt_imag alt_power pos
2015-10-04 15:03:06.546427 26.5 99758 130.525751 99773 82.400002 25.9 22.98 (250838.166745-103601.889966j) 250838.166745 -103601.889966 271391.115368 60280
In [173]:
temp pressure altitude sealevel_pressure humidity temp_dht dewpoint fft_altitude fft_alt_real fft_alt_imag alt_power pos
2015-09-24 10:03:41.189865 24.2 101185 11.91222 101187 35.799999 23.6 11.36 (-46.1226318013-240.511319049j) -46.122632 -240.511319 244.893838 45881
In [174]:
In [175]:
data[TWELVE//3:3 + (2*TWELVE)].clip(-60000, 60000).plot(x='pos', y='alt_power')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f3f4e710>
In [176]:
xx = data.fft_altitude.copy()
xx[TWELVE:-TWELVE] = 0.0
data['smooth_alt'] = [x.real for x in fft.ifft(xx)]
In [177]:
data[['smooth_alt', 'altitude']].plot()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f3f2dcf8>
In [178]:
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f06f3f42470>
In [179]:
def power(x, y):
    return ((x ** 2.0) + (y ** 2.0)) ** 0.5
In [180]:
xx = data.fft_altitude.copy()
xx[:] = 0.0
xx[P:-P] = data.fft_altitude[P:-P]
data['twelve'] = [x.real for x in fft.ifft(xx)]
data['itwelve'] = [x.imag for x in fft.ifft(xx)]
data['twelve_pow'] = power(data.twelve, data.itwelve)
data['smoothed'] = data.altitude - data.twelve
data[['twelve', 'altitude', 'smoothed', 'smooth_alt']].plot(subplots=True)
array([<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f06f391c6d8>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f06f31a07f0>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f06f3354eb8>,
       <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f06f386e3c8>], dtype=object)


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